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Butler County 4-H Sharp Shooters

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The goals of the 4-H Shooting Sports program are:

• To teach safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment including sound decision-making, self-discipline and concentration.

• To enhance development of participant’s self-concept, character and personal growth through safe, educational and socially acceptable involvement in a shooting activity.

• To promote the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship, and ethical behavior.

• To encourage understanding of natural resource concepts through participant’s interests in shooting and hunting.

• To expose participants to the broad array of vocational and lifelong activities related to shooting sports.

• To strengthen families through life-long recreational activities.

• To complement and enhance the impact of existing safety and hunter education programs.

The Butler County Sharp Shooters is a 4-H shooting sports club that meets each Wednesday evening at the Butler County Sportsmen Rifle and Pistol Club from January – June. It is open to boys and girls from 9-18 years of age. We teach safety and basic skills in the following disciplines: Archery, Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Muzzleloading, Hunting and Wildlife, and Living History. Last year we had close to 100 members. Our members are taught by dedicated instructors who have been state certified in the disciplines in which they teach. No special equipment is necessary, as the club provides the equipment for the members use. We are able to do this through the generosity of various individuals and groups including the Butler County Sportsmen Rifle and Pistol Club in Hamilton Ohio, The Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife, and the “The Ohio Gun Collectors Association”.

Winter Session – Indoor
Our year begins the 1st Wednesday in January. In the winter months (January-March) we shoot rifle and pistol on the indoor range. As we can only shoot nine at a time on the line,we do not have a set starting time. Members will sign up as they arrive and will be put into relays of nine members. Members can arrive anytime between 6pm and 7:30pm. We ask that the first week, everyone arrive by 6:15 as we will have a lot to go over. Members must be 12 years of age and have shot with us for one year and have the permission of the range officer before they are allowed to participate in the pistol discipline. Pistol normally starts in February. We shoot pistol after we have finished all the rifle relays for the evening. We ask that members participate fully in the learning activities as well as the time on the range. Depending on numberof relays that are shooting,there may also be time for homework etc.

Spring Session – Outdoor
In the spring months (April-June) we are on the outdoor ranges. The members can choose between Archery, Muzzleloading or Shotgun. There will be two six week sessions. Members can choose one discipline each session. We ask that members arrive by 6:15 once we move outdoors.

For more information you can reach Barb Haverkos, club coordinator at or call Barb at 513-615-2639 or Steve at 513-615-2574.

For more information on the 4-H organization you can connect to the Butler County Ohio 4-H web site.